18 Jan 2024

FPRII Bernard Harbor appointed to Government’s AI Advisory Council

Bernard will provide independent expert advice to the Government on artificial intelligence policy.

Communication expert Bernard Harbor, FPRII has been appointed to the Government’s Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council.

With a career spanning over thirty years, Bernard has led the public relations function for some of the largest trade unions in the country, heading up communications at IMPACT for more than 20 years and recently retiring from FORSA as Head of Communications. A long-time member of the PRII, he was awarded a Life Fellowship in 2022. He has been a member of the ICTU Executive Council and is currently a Governor of the Irish Times Trust and a member of the Board of TASC, Ireland's think tank for action on social change. 

The AI Advisory Council, established by the Minister of State with responsibility for digital, Dara Calleary TD, will provide independent expert advice to the Government on artificial intelligence policy, with a specific focus on building public trust and promoting the development of trustworthy, person-centered AI.

The other members of the AI Advisory Council represent expertise from academia, business, law, security, social sciences, economics, and civil society.

Speaking about the appointment, PRII President, David Geary said, “AI will transform the public relations and communications profession, automating routine tasks and empowering professionals to focus on higher-level strategy and creativity. That’s why PRII recently set up its AI in PR Working Group. However, for the transformation to be successful, it is crucial to adopt ethical guidelines to ensure that AI is used responsibly and transparently, protecting the integrity of information and relationships. Bernard Harbor, an expert communicator and Life Fellow of the Institute, brings invaluable expertise to the Government's AI Advisory Council, ensuring that AI is harnessed responsibly for the betterment of society.”


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