The workshop specifically addresses:

  • Press releases - how to produce them, the facts and ideas, the detail, the style and presentation
  • Eye catching headlines - what works well and what doesn't
  • The sins that send press releases into bins
  • News delivery: traditional and Web 2.0 - multimedia news releases, blogs, RSS feeds, social networking sites
  • The "news factor" judgement journalists apply to your announcement
  • Picture power - the use of video and photography to create a story.

One of our most popular workshops, delivered as an e-workshop.

Participants will have access to a dedicated e-workshop resource webpage including notes and relevant materials as well as participating in a live online workshop delivered by Frank Dillon on Thursday morning 19 & 26 September 10am to 12:30pm.

Participants will be given a practical writing assignment to complete before the second session and will receive feedback during  that class.

Over the two mornings this e-workshop will show you:

  • How to categorise news to correctly target journalists;
  • How to use news ‘triggers' to source and develop stories;
  • How to structure your content; and also
  • Examines distribution channels for both new and traditional formats.

At the end of the e-workshop  you will have enhanced your understanding of the principles of good news releases and their role in media relations.

Highly practical in nature, this e-workshop combines a mix of presentation, discussion and hands-on exercises to help you approach the challenge of press release writing with confidence.


Frank Dillon

Frank Dillon

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