Membership Categories

There are three categories of membership of the Institute, depending on your qualifications and experience in the area of public relations.

Minimum requirements for each grade are set out below.To apply for membership please complete and submit the online application form here.

The membership year runs from 1 October to 30 September each year.

Full Membership (€336)

You hold one of the following:

PRII Diploma in Public Relations or an equivalent standard professional public relations qualification (e.g. a H.Dip, BA or MA in Public Relations, Public Affairs, Strategic Communications etc) and full-time acceptable public relations experience at executive level for at least two years.


Have full-time acceptable public relations experience at the executive level for at least four years.

It is important to note that public relations experience is categorised as working in the field of public relations and communications. This should be evident from the job title, or if not, from the job description of the role.

Affiliate Membership (€198)

You hold one of the following:

PRII Diploma in Public Relations or an equivalent standard PR professional qualification

Full-time acceptable public relations experience at executive level for at least two years.

Associate Membership (€165)

Not engaged in full-time public relations but have a bona fide interest in the profession (e.g. working in a closely related field, a supplier to the sector, etc).