A community of practice is a group of people or professionals who are informally bound together by shared interests. They come together to exchange their experience and knowledge, fostering creative new approaches and innovative solutions to common problems.

By participating in #PRConf24, you can connect with others, share ideas, and contribute to change for the better.

The centre piece of the Irish communication professional’s calendar, the PRII National Conference is the only annual Conference in Ireland dedicated to those working in public relations and strategic communications.

The theme for #PRIIConf24 is ‘Community of PRactice - Building Community in Divisive Times: What can public relations advisors do?’

It will bring together 200+ communications professionals to hear from 20 national and global speakers and thought leaders, to discuss developing trends and learn from case studies and the latest research.

Early Bird booking is now open and details of the speakers and contributors will be revealed here and in the PRII Digest over the coming weeks.